
Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors



Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors

want to be a volunteers or vendors at wolfcon?

We are looking for volunteers to help us during our Wolfcon Conventie. Are you intrested please mail to volunteers@theconfactory.com in English. Please tell us why you would be perfect for the job. What kind of wolfcon pass you have or want to buy. What your experience is with conventions or similair work Which languages you speak. And of course name, Continue Reading

wolfcon 3.0 for Dummies (EN)

The preparation

It’s almost time and you’re almost leaving for Wolfcon. What should you do?

- Print all PDF files. You have one file for your pass and one for every product that you bought. Don’t print them from your email, print the most actual versions of these pdfs from your account on the Wolfcon site. Make sure to print during the last week before Wolfcon so you're sure to have the most actual version.
- Make sure you have a valid ID in your wallet. This can be a passport or an ID card. If you have a Dutch driver’s license, this will do as well.
- If you’re under 18, make sure you downloaded the permission form for minors from our website and that your parents or guardian filled it out and signed it.
- If you’re under 16 you'll have to come with someone who is 18+ and is responsible for you the entire weekend. He or she needs to attend the event too. Make sure to register together because you won't be able to register without an adult accompanying you.
- A tip: Bring a folder for your printed pictures and the signed photos you will get at the convention. You can store your tickets in here as well to make sure you don’t lose them. If you don't have one, we usually have some at the merchandise stand and you can buy them over there.
- If you stay in the hotel, you need to pack your suitcase as well, of course.
- If you want to do poses, make sure to print examples and take those with you. You can find example on the internet. If you want to use someone else's convention picture, make sure to ask them if it's okay to use their picture.
- Check the times of the shuttlebus (Saturday/Sunday) or the normal bus (Friday) that can get you to the hotel.


-If you meet the actors in the hallways or other public spaces, like the toilets, please leave them alone. Also for them the convention is a very long, busy weekend and they like to have a few quiet moments
- It's not allowed to ask for hugs, selfies or to start conversations in the hallways
- Read the instructions on the screens carefully and make sure to respect the instructions of PA's, volunteers and staff. They're all there to help you.
- Do you notice a problem when it comes to your personal schedule, make sure to contact the organisation or one of our volunteers as soon as possible so we can help you solve it.
- Make sure to make an organized queue and leave enough room for other people to pass when needed. Don't queue when it's not your turn yet and make sure to keep the stairs, elevators and emergency exits free. Don't enter any part of the hotel where you don't need to be.
-If you meet the actors outside of the convention, please leave them alone as well. They make long work days and they have a right on free time outside of the convention hours. They actors make a whole lot of photos and sign a whole lot of photos during the convention. It is very impolite to ask them for a photo or an autograph outside of the convention. This also goes if you DON’T have a ticket for the convention.
-This is probably totally unnecessary, but still... if you want the actors to do do poses with you, and hold you, pay attention to your personal hygiene. Make sure you're showered, wear clean clothes, use deodorant and chew some gum after your meals.
- Make sure to treat everyone, organisation, staff, PA's, volunteers, guests and fans, with respect. Everyone would like to have an amazing weekend. Don't be the person ruining the weekend for someone else.


The registration (Friday from approximately 4pm to 8pm)

On Friday you have to register in the hotel where the convention will be. This is the Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport Lijnden. But how does that registrationgo? And what is it exactly? And why can’t you do it online?

- If you get to the hotel, you find where the registration will be. You find the table for your pass and stand in line.
- When it’s your turn, you show your pdf files for both your pass and extra's and your ID. A volunteer will find your envelope now.
- Together with the volunteer you check the contents of your envelope. Your pass and the tickets for your extras will be in this envelope. Pay attention during this check! If something is missing or is incorrect, you need to say it immediately, because then we can still check everything with the pdf’s you have and the problem can be solved at the infodesk. If you come back later when something isn’t correct, we can’t check it anymore and we can’t solve the problem anymore. That is only possible during this registration.
- If the contents of the envelope are correct, you will get your wristband. This wristband will stay on during the entire weekend and you can’t remove it, so don’t leave before it’s on correctly. This wristband in combination with your pass will be your entry ticket for the event. With only a pass or a wristband you can’t enter. You have to be able to show them both. This wristband is the reason the registration can’t be done online and has to be done in person. Make sure not to lose it!
- It is possible that you'll have to wait some time at the registration, this is normal and part of the convention experience.
- It’s possible that we might have a special VIP registration. If you’re a Wolfcon 3.0 VIP make sure to keep the Friday Evening free. We will give you more information if there is more, if we don’t mention it ever again, VIPS can come to the normal registration.

The program (Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 7pm)

On Saturday, the program with the actors will start. The program will start with an opening ceremony, after that there are Q&A’s, Photo sessions, Autograph sessions and M&G’s. How will this happen?

- Read the program thoroughly when you get it. It might be handy to bring a pen and mark the parts of the program you want to attend.
- The program is a general direction. Keep in mind that sometimes things can take longer or activities can be moved to another moment.
- Parts of the program will overlap. Don’t panic when you see that. If you are afraid you will be in trouble with your extra’s, for example because your M&G is on the same time as your photoshoot, find a volunteer as soon as possible so they can help you solve the problem. Don’t wait for the last moment to do this, but do this on time, so as soon as you find out you might have that problem.
- Stay in the panelroom as often as possible. The actors will come on stage for the Q&A’s here, but this is also the place where all the announcements will be.
- Everything will follow the ticketcategories and numbers. You won't be able to do something if you're not called yet. There is no use in queueing before it's your turn. Wait in the panelroom until your pass and number is called for another activity (like a photoshoot) AND until a volunteer comes to get you. If you do that, you don’t have to wait in line that much and can see as much from the Q&A’s as possible.
- If, due to any reason, for example because you can only attend one day, you're getting into trouble with the schedule, please contact one of our volunteers. Don't simply make your own schedule.

The Q&A’s

All the actors will come on stage, in small groups, to answer your questions. Everyone can ask their question, but there are a few rules for that.

- If you want to ask a question, you have to go and stand in line at the special microphone that is specifically used for that goal. That mic is placed so the actors can see you while you ask your question.
- At the microphone, there will be a volunteer who checks your question. If they tell you it’s not ok to ask your question, please respect this. Most of the time it’s an actor who has asked this.
- It is ABSOLUTELY not allowed to ask for selfies, hugs and kisses. This takes too much time and if one person wants it, everyone wants it.
- During the panels you can make photo’s WITHOUT flash. Making video recordings or streaming is strictly forbidden. If we see you do that, we need to erase all the material (and yes, we know how phones work, so we’ll make sure everything is deleted) and you risk being expulsed from the convention. You will not get your money back if you still have extras you haven’t done yet.
- It's not allowed to give the actors presents during the Q&A
- Don’t tell long personal stories if you ask a question. A lot of people in the audience have their own stories and reasons why they’re there and why the actors on stage are important for them. If you want to tell your story to one of the actors, it’s better to write it down in a letter and give it to them during the autographs. This way as many people as possible can ask their questions.
- It is not allowed to ask actors to marry you, ask them for a relationship or other questions in that direction. It usually makes actors feel very uncomfortable and even though you might have the feeling to know them very well, you’re usually a complete stranger for them.
- Don’t mention shipnames in your question. We know of course that a lot of people are fanatic shippers, but for the actors it’s hard to keep track on those names. Name the full names in your question.
- Prevent shipwars. Not everyone at the convention will ship the same ship. A lot of actors have trouble choosing between ships because they don’t want to let down a big part of the audience. Please don’t make them do that.
- Don’t ask questions about their private lives. Although the Teen Wolf actors are very open about their lives, certain questions about their private lives are not done. General questions about who they are as a person are of course not a problem.
- Try ask a question all actors on stage can answer and make sure to only ask one question at a time. If you want to ask more than one question, go back to the end of the queue and wait until your next turn. This way people who want to ask something get the chance to do so.

Autographs (Saturday and Sunday)

If you bought autographs of an actor or bought a pass with included autographs, you can get them at during the autograph sessions when your pass and ticketnumber are called. How does that go?

- Everyone will be called in by ticketcategory and passnumber to come to the autographs. Listen carefully and don’t leave the room before your pass and your number have been called and wait until a volunteer comes to get you.
- If you don’t get called on Saturday, you will be able to get your autograph on Sunday.
- If you have more than one autograph, please get them all when you are being called. So if you have two, you will get the both at the same time.
- The actors will only sign official Teen Wolf/Wolfcon/The Con Factory merchandise. You can bring an official product yourself, like the DVD, or buy special wolfcon photos at the convention for the autographs. There will be photos in different price categories
- At the door and in the room volunteers will ask you what you want to get signed. Please show them what you have with you and follow the instructions of the volunteers.
- If you want the actors to sign something with your name, please put a post it with your name on the product. This is no guarantee that they will do that.
-When you are called, you will be brought to the room where the actors are sitting. You will stand in line with the actor where you bought the autograph from. If you have autographs with more than one actor, a volunteer will tell you where you should start first.
- When it’s your turn, you hand over your ticket to the PA next to the actor.
- If you want to give the actor a present, this is the moment to do it.
- This is also the moment to talk a little to the actor when they sign your product. If your English isn’t good enough, you can ask the PA next to the actor if they can help you.
- It's not allowed to ask for hugs, selfies, dates and so on.
-When you had your autograph and your moment with the actor, you walk to the next line or you leave the autograph room. It's not allowed to chat with PA's, actors or volunteers who have nothing to do for a short moment.
- Making photos, videos and/or audio recordings is NOT allowed in this room. If you get caught making recordings, you need to erase them and you risk being expulsed from the convention. You will not get your money back if you still have extras you haven’t done yet.

Photo ops (Saturday and Sunday)

On both days it’s possible to take a photo with the actors. There are single photos, duo photos, triple photos and group photos. How does that go?

- In the program you will find which photoshoot is when. You will be called in ticketorder. Please stay in the panelroom until your pass and your number will be called and a volunteer comes to get you. It's not allowed to make queues yourself.
- When you enter the photo room, you’ll have to leave your bag, phone and other stuff with a volunteer on a table before you go stand in line.
- A volunteer in the room will tell you which poses are and aren't allowed. If our volunteer says that a pose is not allowed, don't ask the actor anyway because you might make the actor uncomfortable.
- When it’s your turn, the PA will check your ticket. Make sure to tell the PA how many pictures you have.
- If you want to ask the actor for a pose, make sure you can explain this pose quickly or that you bring an example on paper. There is not much time, everything needs to go fast.
- When the actor doesn’t want to do a pose, don’t make a problem. Make sure you have a back up pose.
- If you have two photos with an actor, please make them both at the same time when your pass is being called. If you have more than two photos with an actor and you would like to split them, please discuss this with us to see if it's possible. Splitting pictures is always at your own risk. Keep in mind that some other activities might be during the photoshoot which means that sometimes splitting won't be possible.
- As soon as the photo has been made don't ask for goodbye hugs or selfies. Please just take your bag and belongings and leave the photo room. It's also not allowed to stay to chat a little with our PA's and volunteers.
- You can collect your printed photo somewhere else in the convention hotel. It can take a while before the photo is printed. The photographers work with SD cards, and the photos will only be printed when a card is full. At the convention you will find out where you can collect the photos
- Making photos, videos and/or audio recordings is NOT allowed in the photo room. If you get caught making recordings, you need to erase them and you risk being expulsed from the convention. You will not get your money back if you still have extras you haven’t done yet.

M&G’s (Saturday and Sunday)

During the weekend every actor has a normal Meet and Greet and there will be special Meet and Greets. They will be at the same time as the photoshoots. We will tell you about the special Meet and Greets at the convention itself, since those are a surprise, but a normal Meet and Greet will look like this:

IMPORTANT: There will only be ONE normal M&G for every actor during the weekend. We can't say whether they will be on Saturday or Sunday. If you're only coming one day, keep that in mind!

- The moment your M&G is going to start, it will be announced in the panelroom. You will go to the elevator downstairs. A volunteer will get you there and lead you to the M&G room. The PA will check your ticket there and you can find a seat.
- The M&G starts as soon as the actor comes into the room. The PA will make sure that everyone who wants to say something has the opportunity to do so. If you don’t want to ask or say anything, that’s fine as well.
- Make sure not to dominate the M&G by being the one to constantly ask questions. It's not a one on one conversation so make sure you give everyone else the chance to say something too.
- During the M&G, the same rules apply as during the panels. Don't ask for hugs, selfies and don't tell long personal stories or ask for very personal information. You are not allowed to give presents, you can only do this during the autograph ops.
- The PA who is present will also keep an eye on the time. When the time is up, the M&G is unfortunately over. You wait until the actor has left and will return to the panelroom after that.
- Also during the M&G, making photos, videos and/or audio recordings is NOT allowed. If you get caught making recordings, you need to erase them and you risk being expulsed from the convention. You will not get your money back if you still have extras you haven’t done yet.

Party (Saturday)

At Saturday night, there will be the party. This is a very good opportunity to have a great night and talk a bit of time with the actors.

- Make sure to be there in time, especially if you want to change your outfit and wear something special. It would be best to be there ten minutes early.
- When possible, make a group of 7 people. You will share a table and once the doors are opened you find a post and make sure to keep one chair free for the guest.
- You will all get a guest at your table for a short amount of time for a little chat. Make sure to remember not to ask for hugs, selfies or dates. Don't tell too long personal stories and don't ask too personal questions.
- During the party it's FORBIDDEN to make pictures, video's and audio recordings. If we catch you recording anything, you risk being banned from the event and we won't refund any extra's you will miss because of that.
- After the short chats with the guests there might be time for some more fun!

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