Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors
Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors

Charlie video message
AmsterDAMN! Tickets locked 🙂 see you at @WolfCon1 ! pic.twitter.com/KCRjAXurpF — Charlie Carver (@Charlie_Carver) 14 juli 2016
Terms and conditions tickets
These Terms and conditions tickets apply on all agreements and all offers and that come about between The Con Factory and the person buying/ordering/winning in a contest a ticket for an event organized by The Con Factory (shall be named after this: the “customer”). These terms and conditions also apply when these agreements come about via an official organisation for pre sale, called in by The Con Factory (shall be named after this: “pre sale organisation”).
Under the term event we will understand in these terms and conditions projects, conventions, festivals, seminars, conferences and/or other manifestations in the broadest sense.
Under location where the event is held we will understand in these terms and conditions the actual place of the event, including all buildings, terrains, rooms, fields surrounding it that are part of the complex where the event will take place.
The applications of terms and conditions from the customers, visitors, guests, representatives and/or guardians of visitors are explicitly declined.
Coming about of the agreement/tickets
The agreement involving visiting and event between The Con Factory and the customer comes about the moment the customer buys, orders or wins a ticket for the event with The Con Factory or a pre sale organisation, approved by The Con Factory.
A ticket can consist of a document provided by The Con Factory. This can be an e-ticket that has to be handed in at the registration in combination with presenting a valid photo identification, which gives the right to the actual entry ticket.
The ticket will be registered on name and is not transmittable, unless communicated differently in writing by The Con Factory. The ticket will be provided once and gives entry to one person.
Tickets are and will stay property of The Con Factory. The ticket gives the holder the right at assisting at the event and eventual extra activities as stated on the ticket, when this is applicable.
Tickets are on name and registered on other data of the customer, and it is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that this name and data corresponds with the name on his or her identification. When these data not correspond, The Con Factory has the right to refuse access to the customer.
When the name of the holder is not stated on the ticket, only the holder of the ticket who will show the ticket first at the start of the event will gain access. The Con Factory may assume that the holder of this ticket is also the right holder (the customer). The Con Factory isn’t obliged to control further with regard to the validity of tickets. The customer must take care that he is and stays the holder is of the ticket provided by The Con Factory or by a pre sale organisation approved by The Con Factory.
Starting the moment the ticket has been provided to the customer, the customer bears the risk of loss, theft, damage or misuse of the ticket.
Only buying the ticket at official pre sale addresses or at The Con Factory will guarantee the validity of the ticket. The burden of proof lies with the customer.
The ticket will be sent to the customer via electronic communication (e-mail). When the customer chose to receive the ticket in this way, the customer needs to make sure that the ticket can be provided via e-mail in a safe way. Providing the correct e-mail information is the responsibility of the customer. The Con Factory can not guarantee the confidentiality nor the reception of the ticket.
The Con Factory holds the right to put a maximum on the number of tickets a customer can order, and the customer is obliged to keep the maximum stated by The Con Factory.
Interdiction on resale
The costumer is obliged to keep the ticket for himself and thus not resell it in any way to third parties, offer to sell it or offer it for any commercial ends, unless otherwise communicated in writing by The Con Factory
The customer is obliged not to advertise in any way with reference to the event or any part of it.
The customer who offers his ticket for free and not regarding any commercial end to third parties with the explicit written permission of The Con Factory is obligated to communicate the obligations he has as a customer, worded in the previous clauses of this article to the person he offers the ticket to, and guarantees The Con Factory that this person follows these obligations.
If the customer is not able to attend the event, The Con Factory is not obligated to refund the entire sum or a part of it.
When the customer doesn’t follow the obligations as stated in the previous clauses of this article and/or can not guarantee this, the customer owes a direct claimable fine of €5.000,- per infringement to The Con Factory and €2.000,- for each day that the infringement lasted and lasts. This doesn’t diminish the right of The Con Factory to demand a reimbursement of the damage or the damage that is still to come.
Other obligations of the customer.
The customer is obligated to read and follow the terms and conditions and the rules regarding the purchase of a ticket and the rules, conditions and rules of conduct regarding the event at all times.
The customer is obliged to cooperate, when asked for it, to a frisk when visiting the event.
The customer is obliged to have a valid and non-damaged identification, both before as during the event and as long as he is at the place of the event. He is obligated to show the identification on demand of the exploiter of the place of the event, the security and others who have the right to ask this.
The customer is obliged to identify himself at the first request, both during visiting an event as when buying a ticket to facilitate The Con Factory to fulfil her legal duties concerning events, one of them the obligation to not provide alcohol to persons under the legal age.
It is forbidden to bring glass, plastic bottles, cans, fireworks, (fire)arms and/or dangerous objects and/or alcoholic beverages to the place where the event will be, on punishment of confiscating these items.
It is allowed to bring photo, film and other recording materials to the place where the event will be held, but they can only be used in the rooms where it is explicitly allowed by The Con Factory. If the customer doesn’t comply with these rules, the materials can be confiscated for the length of the event. The Con Factory doesn’t take any responsibility for items that are confiscated or kept save.
Registration of the event in rooms where it is not allowed, including photographing, filming and making (other) audio and/or visual recordings is forbidden, just as copying from the program (booklet), posters and other printed matters. All registrations like these will be confiscated and destroyed.
When the customers leaves the place of the event after entering it, the customer can only return inside with a valid ticket and identification.
The customer is obliged to keep the requirements (including house rules) and/or indications of The Con Factory, the exploiters of the location, the staff, the security, the fire department , volunteers acting in the name of The Con Factory, and other proper authorities. When there is a smoking prohibition at the place of the event, this prohibition includes all (also electronic) smoking requirements.
Rights of The Con Factory
Upon violation by the customer of (one or more of) the terms as stated in these terms and conditions The Con Factory has the right to annul the ticket or refuse the customer (further) access to the event without the customer having the right to a refund of the amount he paid for the ticket (including the service fee) to The Con Factory or a third party, approved by The Con Factory. Holder of tickets that have been rendered invalid have no right on refunds or other forms of compensation.
The Con Factory holds the right to refuse the customer (further) access to the event or remove the customer from the place of the event when The Con Factory deems it necessary to maintain rest and order during the event.
When it’s credible that there is the matter of a forging of the ticket, The Con Factory has the right to refuse the holder (further) access to the event without the customer or this holder has any right on compensation for the damage he suffers because of this.
The artists and The Con Factory have the right to make audio and video recordings of the event and the activities or to have them made and to use these recordings for promotion or for their partners or sponsor. Persons who occur in these recordings do not have the rights on any compensation for this. When you enter the event, you give the artists and The Con Factory the permission to make and use recordings for promotional purposes for themselves or their partners or sponsors.
Responsibility of The Con Factory
The Con Factory is responsible for the direct damage the customer suffers that is directly and uniquely the consequence of a shortcoming from The Con Factory. For a reimbursement, only the damage is considered against which The Con Factory has an insurance and is covered by that insurance. Not reimbursed are: a) subsequential damage; b) immaterial damage; c) damage caused intentionally or because of conscious recklessness of persons helping, volunteers or staff not employed by The Con Factory
Entering the place where the event will find place and assisting at the event will happen on the customer’s own risk, with the meaning that The Con Factory will accept no responsibility for damage because of said entering or assisting as hearing, sight and other physical damage.
The Con Factory will strive to execute the program as strictly as possible according to the announced time schedule. She is however not responsible for deviations from that schedule and the (eventual) damage that can be created because of that for the customer and/or third parties. It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure he or she has knowledge of the program and arrives on time at announced activities during the event. If the customer encounters any problems with the time of the different activities, it is the customer’s own responsibility to communicate this to The Con Factory or the staff, so they have the time to find a fitting solution. Assisting at activities is completely the own responsibility of the customer and missing or arriving late at the an activity is in no way a ground for a refund of eventual (parts of) payments or bought activities.
Starting times as mentioned on the tickets are with reservation. The customer is obliged to control from time to time if the starting time has been changed.
The Con Factory is furthermore not responsible for the content and the way of executing the program of the event. This includes explicitly the length of the program. The Con Factory is also not responsible for changing the program of events.
The Con Factory is not responsible for damage the customer has because of losing of damaging the ticket.
Personal information
The Con Factory processes personal data of customers and visitors of her website according to her privacy statement and in accordance to the “Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens”. Said privacy statement is available via http://theconfactory.com/privacypolicy
Final regulations
On these terms and conditions and on every agreement between the customer and The Con Factory Dutch law applies.
All disputes that may occur as a result of the agreement between the customer and The Con Factory or any agreement that could be the consequence of that will only be decided over by a qualified Dutch judge. The Con Factory is always authorized to appoint another qualified judge.