
Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors



Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors


In de komende maanden, de aanloop naar Wolfcon, kan je Scavenger Points verdienen door onderstaande opdrachten uit te voeren. De spelregels: Om te bewijzen dat je een opdracht voltooid hebt post je een filmpje of foto op instagram of twitter. (LET OP per opdracht, niet meerdere opdrachten in een post) Gebruik in je tweet de hashtags #wolfcon #tcfhunt. Tag @theconfactory Continue Reading


Andrew Matarazzo

WOLFCON NEWS We are very happy to announce Andrew Matarazzo as our very first guest for Wolfcon IV. In Teen Wolf he played the part of Gabe in the very last season ever and he was so sad that he missed the party last year. He's here to totally make up for it! He’s really…
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Froy Gutierrez

WOLFCON NEWS We are very happy to announce Froy Gutierrez as our second guest for Wolfcon IV. In Teen Wolf he played the part of Nolan in the last season of Teen Wolf and he had such a great time last year that it wasn't hard to convince him to come back. He’s really looking…
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wolfcon for Dummies (NL)

De voorbereiding Het is bijna zover en je vertrekt bijna naar Wolfcon. Wat moet je doen? - Print alle pdf files. Je hebt er één voor je pas en één voor elk product dat je hebt bijgekocht. Doe dit niet vanuit je mail. Maar download de pdf'jes vanaf je account op de Wolfcon site. Let…
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Guest Cancellation

Guest Cancellation We are very sad that we have to let you know that due to an exchange in her filming schedule Holland Roden will no longer be able to attend Wolfcon 3.0. She tried everything she could to be there anyway, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. We are trying to find a guest…
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