
Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors



Photo ops, panels, signing sessions and meet & greets with your favourite Teen Wolf actors

Adelaide Kane will join us in Amsterdam

WOLFCON NEWS We are very happy to announce Adelaide Kane as our sixt guest for Wolfcon IV. In Teen Wolf she played the part of Cora Hale in season 3, but you may also know her as Queen Mary from Reign and from her role in Once Upon a Time. She’s really looking forward to meet all of you! You Continue Reading

Ryan Kelley is de 6de Wolfcon gast

Met trots kondigen we aan dat Ryan Kelley aanwezig zal zijn op Wolfcon.

Ryan speelt Deputy Jordan Parrish in Teen Wolf.

Daarnaast zou je Ryan ook kunnen kennen van de bekende films “Mean Creek”,”Letters From Iwo Jima” & “Prayers for Bobby”.

Wat is Deputy Parrish zijn achtergrond, waarom is hij naar Beacon Hills gekomen en wat voor Supernatural creature kan hij zijn?

Al deze vragen zullen beantwoord worden in season 5  van Teen Wolf.


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